Silvia vive a Sidney, le sue sono origini italiane. Da tempo lavora ad un progetto di divulgazione di cultura eno-gastronomica e non solo, viaggiando tra Australia e Italia e raccogliendo testimonianze, fotografando signore che impastano il pane, che leggono antiche ricette del luogo, odorando i campi, assaporando vini.
Lei si presenta così:
Italy has always been a part of my life. She is my passion. It could be because of my Italian heritage. Or when I’m living in Italy she makes all my senses come alive. Maybe I am in awe of her beauty as there’s an element of surprise and magic not always knowing what’s around her corner!
One of my dreams is to pursue a creative project to share this Italian beauty with the world. On my previous trips to Italy I had loved photographing and cooking with my aunty in Veneto or with my friend’s mamma in Firenze or with friends in Calabria. It was whilst on a trip in Italy that a seed was planted. An idea came to combine all that I loved; food, family, the region’s gems, and friends I’d met travelling to Italy over a lifetime. I’d always had a fascination with such diversity and magic of each of the 20 Italian regions and now was my time to discover them.
What especially holds a place in my heart is to begin to explore the two regions of my heritage in Veneto (North) and Calabria (South) – discovering the food specialities by cooking with people in their home kitchen (I believe it’s the tastiest), and visiting artisan food producers (to learn the source of this goodness). I believe in continuing the Italian tradition of sharing a home cooked meal with family and friends and gathering around the table. In between , I’ll be travelling to some of the ‘roads less travelled’ and looking out for those hidden gems. I will then go beyond to discover the other 18 beautiful regions.
Let’s go for a passeggiata and experience this adventure of Italy together!
*Buon Viaggio e Buon Appetitio*
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